See Rebecca Pritchett's current publications list
- Navigating Water Use and Pollution Laws: Leading Lawyers on Federal and State Regulation of Consumption and Contamination (Inside the Minds) (Aspatore Books/Thomson Reuters, to be published). (Authored Alabama chapter in revised edition.)
- Botes, Brad, J. Price Evans IV, Samuel Givhan, William R. Justice, David Morton, Jason B. Tingle, Rebecca Wright Pritchett, and Hon. Roman Shaul, Real Estate Law Update (CLE Alabama/University of Alabama, 2022).
- Atkinson, William, Rebecca W. Pritchett, and Danielle Douglas, “Hurricane Ian: Disaster Recovery Checklist for Utilities” (Adams and Reese LLP, 2022). See
- Bergeron, Jennifer C., Rebecca W. Pritchett, and Herschel Vinyard, Jr., “SCOTUS Shadow Docket Reinstates Trump-Era Clean Water Act Rule” (Adams and Reese LLP, 2022). See
- Bergeron, Jennifer C., and Rebecca W. Pritchett, “SCOTUS Decision Impacts State Rights to Aquifer-Derived Water” (Adams and Reese LLP, 2022). See
- Conte, Christopher T., Rainer Cotter III, Keri Coumanis, Richard E. Davis, Fredric L. Fullerton III, Rebecca Wright Pritchett, and James Saad,
Land Use Law: Current Issues in Subdivision, Annexation and Zoning (National Business Institute, 2017). (Authored section entitled “Stay on Top of Environmental Considerations”.)
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “The Transition to a Water Resources Statute,”
Water Resources Law Symposium Proceedings (CLE Alabama/University of Alabama, 2017).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Alabama Water Law: To permit or not to permit? That is the question,”
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Beach & Bar Symposium (Alabama State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section, 2016).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “So Your Client Wants to Sell Contaminated Property,”
GPSolo magazine. (American Bar Association, May/June 2016 (33:3) issue.) (This issue won an APEX Award for Publications Excellence in the “Green: Magazines, Journals & Tabloids” category.)
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Rainy with a Chance of Regulation: Hot Topics in Water Law – Moderator’s Overview,”
Key Environmental Issues in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 (American Bar Association, 2015).
- Parker, Steven R., Rebecca Wright Pritchett, Jonathan E. Raulston, and Heather E. Ward,
Real Estate Law: Advanced Issues and Answers (National Business Institute, 2014). (Authored section on “Environmental Issues in Real Estate Transactions.”)
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “The Future of Flow: Federal and State Initiatives to Regulate Streamflow as a Pollutant,”
31st Annual Water Law Conference Proceedings (American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2013).
- Edwards, Amy L.,
Implementing Institutional Controls at Brownfields and Other Contaminated Sites, Second Edition (American Bar Association, 2012). (Authored Alabama chapter.)
- Hopkins, Kathleen J.,
Real Estate Closing Deskbook, Third Ed. (American Bar Association, 2012). (Co-authored Alabama chapter with Joan M. Budd. See
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Environmental Law Update” (Alabama Forestry Association, 2012).
- Davis, Todd S., and Scott A. Sherman,
Brownfields: A Comprehensive Guide to Redeveloping Contaminated Property, Third Edition (American Bar Association, 2010). (Authored Alabama chapter. See
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Natural Resource Damage Assessments and the Gulf Coast Oil Spill,”
Deepwater Horizon: Legal Challenges & Environmental Consequences course materials (Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana State Bars, 2010).
- Brazeal, C. Ellis III, William Cox, Charles R. Driggars, and Rebecca Wright Pritchett,
Environmental Law from A to Z (National Business Institute, 2010).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “New Owner Discovery of an Environmental Problem,”
Environmental Law: Real Problems and Real Solutions, Proceedings of the 18th Annual Beach & Bar Symposium (Alabama State Bar Environmental and Natural Resources Law Section, 2009).
- Calland, Dean, and Rebecca Wright Pritchett, eds.,
Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee Newsletter (American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, 2008-2009).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, and Fred R. DeLeon, Jr., “EPA’s Audit Policy: New Incentives for New Owners,”
Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee Newsletter, February 2009 (Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, 2009).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, and Lawrence P. Schnapf, eds.,
Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Year in Review Electronic Update, Spring 2008 (Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, 2008).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, and Lawrence P. Schnapf, eds.,
The Year in Review 2007, “Environmental Transactions and Brownfields” (American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, 2008).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, and Lawrence P. Schnapf, eds.,
Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Year in Review Electronic Update, Fall 2007 (Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee, American Bar Association Section on Environment, Energy and Resources, 2007).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Brownfield Redevelopment in Alabama” (Birmingham Regional Planning Commission, 2005).
- Farley, Ron, Thomas R. Head, III, Jim Noles, Rebecca Wright Pritchett, and Jeffrey H. Wood,
Current Issues in Wetlands Regulation (Lorman Education Services, 2004).
- Alidor, Gary P., Robert R. Blair, David E. Hudgens, T. Bruce McGowin, Margie C. Newbrough, and Rebecca Wright Pritchett,
An Advanced Look at Alabama Real Estate Law (National Business Institute, Inc., 2004).
- Laird, Warren, Rebecca Wright Pritchett, and R. Brian Tipton,
Alabama Land Use: Current Issues in Subdivision, Annexation and Zoning Law (National Business Institute, Inc., 2003).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Natural Resource Damage Assessments: Should Your Company Be Worried?” (seminar materials, Manufacture Alabama, 2003).
- Blankenship, Donald E., Rebecca Wright Pritchett, Atkins Roberts, and Rowena Teague,
Alabama Land Use: Current Issues in Subdivision Annexation and Zoning Law (National Business Institute, Inc., 2003).
- Pritchett, Rebecca W., “Riparian Rights and Their Effect on Alabama Manufacturers,”
Manufacture Alabama Member News (Manufacture Alabama, February 2003).
- Pritchett, Rebecca W., “Mold Litigation: The Next Asbestos?”
The Counsellor (Sirote & Permutt, P.C., Fall 2002).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Federal Changes Regarding Redevelopment of Brownfields,”
The Counsellor (Sirote & Permutt, P.C., Summer 2002).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Amendments to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act,”
Sirote Weekly Alabama Law Update (Sirote & Permutt, P.C., June 2002).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Amendments to Superfund Law Affect Liability and Brownfield Redevelopment,”
Sirote Weekly Alabama Law Update (Sirote & Permutt, P.C., February 2002).
- Driggars, Charles R., and Rebecca Wright Pritchett, eds.,
Sirote Environmental Law Update (Sirote & Permutt, P.C., 1998-2006).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright, “Environmental Law Concerns,”
Liability Concerns for the Forestry Professional (School of Forestry, Auburn University, 1997).
- Pritchett, Rebecca Wright,
Alabama Environmental Update (a periodic environmental newsletter) (Sasser & Littleton, P.C., 1996-1997).
- Wright [Pritchett], Rebecca, “Seminole Tribe Rejects Private Suits Against States,”
The Good Steward (Stewards of Family Farms, Ranches and Forests, 1996).
- Wright [Pritchett], Rebecca, “The Origins of Private Property Rights in the United States,”
The Good Steward (Stewards of Family Farms, Ranches and Forests, 1996).
- Wright [Pritchett], Rebecca, “Recent Litigation Regarding Private Property Rights,”
The Good Steward (Stewards of Family Farms, Ranches and Forests, 1996).
- Courtney, John Patrick III, Jim H. Fernandez, Neil C. Johnston, John L. Lawler, Michael Brady O’Connor, and Rebecca Lynn Wright [Pritchett],
Land Use Law Update in Alabama (National Business Institute, Inc., 1995).New Paragraph